Intertraffic 2012 exhibition, ticket FREE of charge!
Sipronika exhibits again. This time at Intertraffic 2012 in Amsterdam, an international exhibition of traffic signalization and the latest developments in traffic industry. From 27-30 March 2012, Stand 11.235, Hall 11. Welcome!
On our stand you will find:
- our newest radar speed detector,
- multicolor speed displays,
- displays with integrated warning lights,
- traffic counter,
- countdown traffic lights and much more interesting.

Don't forget to fill in the pre-registration form below to enter the exhibition for FREE! Click the link and follow the category "New registration / request registration code>>":
Currently, we are actively searching for distributors of our products in the international markets. If you think you may become one, contact us and we will arrange an individual meeting. For further info, please contact: info(at)